Friday, June 20, 2014

Please Help My Fiance Get New Prosthetic Legs

About a year and a half ago my fiance contracted a blood infection of Streptococcus and ended up losing both of her legs below the knees and parts of five of her fingers.  It is now very hard for her to walk on rough and uneven terrain; making it very difficult for her to get around outdoors and to follow her dream of pursuing a graduate degree in marine biology.  Therefore, she is in need of a new pair of prosthetic legs with 'smart' ankles that respond to the terrain, making it easier for her to walk on difficult terrain.  Her insurance company won't cover them and we cannot afford them on our own.  Please visit the link "Help Jessica Get New Prosthetic Legs And Back Outdoors" to see her story and to donate to help her obtain new legs.

Thank you!